Drug related poisoning deaths by county from 1999-2019.

Data Source: Michigan Death Certificates, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics/MDHHS

All Drug Overdose Deaths Include: Number of people died of a drug overdose. Drug overdoses can be accidental (unintentional), intentional self-harm, assault (homicide) or undetermined intent. The World Health Organization defined the codes for these categories as the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury. For drug overdose, the international classification of diseases (ICD-10) codes for these categories are: X40-X44 (accidental poisoning by and exposure to drug), X60-X64 (intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to drug), X85 (Assault by and exposure to drug), Y10-Y14 (Undetermined intent poisoning by and exposure to drug).

Opioid Overdose Deaths Include: Number of people died of a drug overdose and has opioids (including opium, heroin, natural/semi-synthetic opioids, methadone, synthetic opioids other than methadone, or unspecified opioids) as a contributing cause. The ICD-10 codes for opioids are: T40.0 (opium), T40.1 (heroin), T40.2 (natural/semi-synthetic opioids), T40.3 (methadone), T40.4 (synthetic opioids other than methadone), T40.6 (Unspecified opioids).