Traffic crash data by county, including total crashes per year, crashes caused by alcohol, crashes caused by drugs, as well as death and injury statistics.
Michigan Traffic Crash Facts (MTCF) data provides annual official Michigan crash data dating back to 1952. The data query tool allows users to perform advanced searches on specific data elements, data can be displayed in the form of maps, tables, lists, timelines, bar, and pie charts. Data is sourced from police officer crash reports.
Michigan Traffic Crash Facts displayed below include crashes involving alcohol or drug factors between the years 2004-2022. Alcohol or drug involvement is defined as; law enforcement suspected or confirmed at least one person in the crash had been using alcohol or drugs. Data can also be filtered by the number of people who died or sustained an incapacitating injury resulting from an alcohol or drug related traffic crash. Data is viewable via raw numbers, sparklines — which show how the number of crashes fluctuated in each county from the beginning to the end of data collection, and crude rates— which show what percentage of total crashes were alcohol or drug related in each county.
Data Source: Michigan Traffic Crash Data is complied by the Office of Highway Safety Planning. Each year data is gathered from the Michigan State Police. Data can be found here.
Traffic Crash Data
Explore all traffic crash data using the links below.
View All Traffic Crash Data
Explore all the data by clicking through each tab below.
Filters selected to obtain each data set:
Total traffic crashes
Analysis level: crashes
Time frame: select year
Geographic location: select all counties in Michigan
Filters: select none Select view table
Row variable: county
Column variable: none
ALC Inv Crash: Alcohol involved traffic crash
Analysis level: crashes
Time frame: select year
Geographic location: select all counties in Michigan
Filters: crash drinking
Select view table
Row variable: county
Column variable: crash drinking
Drug Inv Crash: Drug involved traffic crash
Analysis level: crashes
Time frame: select year
Geographic location: select all counties in Michigan
Filters: crash drug use
Select view table
Row variable: county
Column variable: crash drug use
KAINALC-Death and incapacitating injury involved crashes involving alcohol
Analysis level: crash
Time frame: selected year
Geographic location: all counties in Michigan
Filters: crash: drinking select alcohol involved
Worst injury in crash: select fatal injury and suspected serious injury
Select view table
Row: county
Column: Crash year
KAINDrug: Death and incapacitating injury involved crashes involving drugs
Analysis level: crash
Time frame: selected year
Geographic location: all counties in Michigan
Filters: crash: drugs select drugs involved
Worst injury in crash: select fatal injury and suspected serious injury
Select view table
Row: county
Column: Crash year
ALCRASH Rate: Alcohol involved traffic crash rate per million miles
DCRASH Rate: Drug involved traffic crash rate per million miles
Note: The Alcohol Involved indicator was expanded to include a new field called “Contributing Factor.” This revision required that the Alcohol Suspected and Contributing Factor would both need to be marked ‘Yes’ to have the crash reflect that it was an Alcohol Involved crash. The same workflow would be true for Drug Involved crashes. Upon further review of the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) definition for crashes involving Alcohol, the federal guideline indicates a crash involving Alcohol should be identified whenever there is any presence, not that it necessarily contributed to the crash. The same holds true for Drug involved.
MMUCC Definitions:
Alcohol: Law enforcement suspected or documented that at least one driver or non-motorist involved in the crash had used alcohol. Includes both alcohol use under the legal limit and at or over the legal limit.
Drug: Driver or non-motorist involved in the crash suspected by law enforcement to have used drugs.