Number of non-fatal emergency department visits involving natural/semi-synthetic opioids, methadone, or synthetic opioids. Non-Fatal Opioid Related ED Visit data is displayed as the crude rate of opioid-related ED visits.

Records that have the following ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes listed in any of the diagnosis fields were included:

Opioid Overdoses:

  • T40.0X: Poisoning by opium
  • T40.1X: Poisoning by heroin
  • T40.2X: Poisoning by other opioids
  • T40.3X: Poisoning by methadone
  • T40.4X: Poisoning by synthetic narcotics (code retired Sept. 30, 2020)
  • T40.41: Poisoning by fentanyl or fentanyl analogs (new code effective Oct. 1, 2020)
  • T40.42: Poisoning by tramadol (new code effective Oct. 1, 2020)
  • T40.49: Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics (new code effective Oct. 1, 2020)
  • T40.60: Poisoning by unspecified narcotics
  • T40.69: Poisoning by other narcotics

All Intents Included (6th Character):
1: Accidental (unintentional)
2: Intentional self-harm
3: Assault
4: Undetermined Intent

Encounters Included (7th Character):
A or missing: Initial encounter or active treatment
D: Subsequent encounter

Data Source: Michigan Inpatient Data Base (MIDB), Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics/MDHHS
All initial and subsequent encounters of Michigan residents that were treated and discharged from an MHA(Michigan Health & Hospital Association)-member acute care hospital that have an emergency department. The MODB includes Michigan residents who are discharged from the emergency department or held on observation status. Michigan residents who were treated and released from an out-of-state emergency department are included.
Patients who were initially treated in the emergency department and subsequently admitted to a Michigan MHA-member hospital are not included in the MODB, but can be found in the Michigan Inpatient Data Base. Visits for a sequala encounter, along with patients who died before discharge are not included.